Our Approach
Our mission is to empower families with the skills they need to thrive by resolving problems and restoring harmony in their homes. A Family Support Counselor and Coach's role is to meet the client where they are in that very moment of need. Our non-judgmental and supportive nature is our first response to meeting each client. In the process of establishing comfort and trust, we provide our clients with the right goals and forward-looking vision to ensure a successful outcome.
“Letting go isn’t about forgetting. It’s about learning and moving forward. It’s making a choice to be strengthened by your past - not strangled by it”
-Steve Maraboli

What Is A Family Support Counsellor
and Who Benefits From It?
The role of a Family Support Counselor is to provide assistance, support, and guidance to children and adults dealing with body image issues, substance abuse, and self-esteem issues.
We aim to develop a foundation of recovery for individuals by empowering them to harness their strengths to overcome their issues. Our counselling focuses not on the past but on what the individual needs today and where they want to go while holding them accountable for their actions.
Family Support Counsellors can adapt their counselling style to enhance their clients' motivation at all stages of recovery by encouraging them to take action and change their behaviour.
Family Support Counsellors can also help rebuild relationships with families. We help to re-establish trust between family members, restore harmony within the home, and offer coping methods for stress.
About our Methods
Healthy Routes promotes constructive, positive changes for families. Using the CRAFT method is beneficial because it does not promote family confrontation, rather, it offers the opportunity to work through shared difficulties together. Family members learn skills that can help them improve their relationships with themselves and others. By adopting these strategies, families become empowered to change themselves and those who are suffering.
CRAFT is a family method that helps people who are heavily into drugs or alcohol change how they interact with them. The purpose of CRAFT is to help individuals enter treatment and start on the road to recovery.

What makes us unique
Many of our clients value that we look beyond "the labels" to see and treat the person as a whole. We take in elements of the body, mind and soul.
Our team has worked with specialists and advisors over the years to draw clear connections between the importance of healthy nutrition, sleep and developing healthy ways of managing ongoing stressors in the individual's lifestyle (as well as contributing household factors). We employ judgement free practices that help our clients "lighten up on themselves" –helping them to recognize their strengths, feel supported and forward-moving again.
Most importantly we meet all of our clients "where they are"–asking them what they need right now. We understand what it's like to feel lost, scared, alone, helpless and frustrated: we're here to provide a safe space and format to help individuals and families find their way back to healthier routes.
Ready for a change?
Does it seem difficult for you or a loved one to find the kind of support they need to get back on track with life? Please contact us if you are experiencing frustration or hopelessness (possibly while waiting on a waiting list to see other trained professionals). We would be happy to discuss how we might work together to get you to a more positive place; contact us today.
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