about us
mission | benefits | impact | founder | credentials
Healthy Routes is a counselling, coaching and mentorship service for teens and families who are seeking additional support during challenging and transitional times. Based out Ottawa, ON (Canada) we service the Barrhaven and Kanata areas with our in-person, in-home services and offer remote/virtual services for families from afar or seeking on-demand support sessions.

"We provide healthy alternatives and life-long skills"
Decades of research show us the direct correlation between having healthy outlets, strong support systems and the long-term effectiveness of our children's ability to cope and manage with the stressors of life. These outlets can be found in parents, peers, schools, counsellors and extra-curricular activities.
The challenge comes in knowing how healthy and how effective these outlets are for our children, particularly during stressful or transitional times when they may not have the ability to distinguish "healthy" from "unhealthy". It's times like this where many parents aren't sure where to turn to for extra support.
We offer a safe space for teens and families to open up, learn new skills and "find healthier routes". Our services are at the forefront of mental health, self-esteem and addiction-prevention. Families trust us to help guide their teens towards better choices, higher quality relationships and parent-communication.
We work with you to give your child healthier tools to manage their anxiety, stress and esteem-based issues.

key benefits
The tools we give our children will last them a lifetime; give them the tools to develop a better understanding of themselves, their feelings and their options.
The role of Healthy Routes is to help give you and your child new ways of handling difficult situations. Conflict resolution, setting boundaries and learning how to communicate their needs will play a key role in helping to make them happier, more adaptive individuals. We give your child the safe space to further develop these skills in ways that will benefit them and those around them for the rest of their lives.
Investing in your child's ability to develop healthier self-esteem practices (especially during stressful times) helps to minimize the statistics around self-harm, addiction and crisis.
Nobody enjoys having extra attention on them when they don't feel" at their best". While your child is struggling to keep up with school, friends, home-life and the hormonal challenges of teenage-hood it can feel like everything they are doing is "stupid, wrong, bad" or "not good enough". Introducing a third-party support system (like a mentor, coach or counsellor) can relieve pressure while reinforcing the belief that this is to help them learn how to manage difficult feelings and set them up for life-long success.
As parents, we often feel isolated, overwhelmed, and unsure about how to help our children deal with the daily challenges they face; especially when our children start tuning us out or not sharing as much. With our support, you and your child can create a better relationship; after each session, we brief parents on ways to further connect with them based on topics discussed during the session. No one is left in the dark here; everyone wins and works together.
The IMPACT we're making TOGETHER
There is an old saying that "it takes a village to raise a child" –and it's true!
Modern-day parenting can feel quite isolating and overwhelming at times, especially with the added stressors of a global pandemic and virtual learning added into the mix. Managing the increasingly complex emotional and mental needs of your child or teen can leave many parents wondering if there are other ways to support them. Healthy Routes provides that extra support for families who recognize the need to give their child more outlets to develop their sense of self and wellbeing within.
The impact is felt throughout your household; with many parents reporting that they feel "like a weight has been lifted off their chest" and their children are able to 'sleep so much better at night' knowing there is someone they can turn to when things get difficult.
Jen LeClair Avery advocates for youth mental health and demonstrates the power of proactive strategies to reduce the long-term consequences of low self-esteem, addiction, and self-harm.
With over 25 years experience as a Personal Development Educator, Life Skill Coach, Youth Counsellor and Consultant –her focus has always been on cultivating higher self-esteem by developing real life skills and supporting today’s younger generations towards finding purpose and meaning in their own lives.
Her company, Healthy Routes has continued to evolve with this mission, actively developing new programs, services and resources that help innovate and better meet the needs of children and families suffering with mental health related challenges.
"The fact that 1 in 5 children will experience some form of addiction or mental health crisis is exactly what motivates me to change it"
When she's not working with clients, spending time with her two teenage daughters or walking their loveable dog Charlie Jen can be found building online resources, workbooks and positioning herself to speak in front of larger audiences to help drive her mission to better support under-serviced youth.
For more information on Healthy Routes mission or to invite Jen to speak at your school or organization please contact support@healthyroutes.ca.

About our Founder
Credentials & Contributions
Jen frequently works with other parents, professionals and organizations to help address the gap between long waitlists and the 'cry for help' from teens and young adults. Her work is research-backed, community-supported and "future-focused".
Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute
Anxiety Practical Intervention Strategies for Youth Certificate
Addictions Youth Substance Abuse, Porn, and Technology Certificate
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Youth Certificate
Addictions - Harm Reduction Training Certificate
Self Injury Behaviour in Youth Certificate
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Strategies for Supporting Youth
Willis College
Addictions Counselling and Community Service Worker Diploma
Living Works
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training Certificate
Mental Health Commissions Canada
Mental Health First Aid Certificate
The Sexual Assault Support Center of Ottawa
Young Womyn Project Sexual Assault Training
Workshop Leader and Educational Speaker for Girl Guides of Canada; specializing in ‘Mighty Minds’ (mental health focused badges)
Workshop consultant for Amethyst House (women addictions center)
Active ally with the Young Womyn Project (sexual assault center)
Mental Health & Addictions workshop, speaker and advocate.
Founder of a private Facebook Support group for parents with teens
Active blogger on topics that help parents approach difficult subjects.
ready to get started?
Email us at support@healthyroutes.ca to book your free initial consultation and see if we're a good fit for your family...
Pressed for time and not sure if we'll be able to fit in a regular session?
Check out our Digital Resources section to get valuable input on managing common stressors in the home.
Additional community and professional resources can be found here.
"Together we can make a difference in your child's life; we can restore harmony"​
© Healthy Routes, 2022 | Disclaimer, Code of Conduct & Privacy Policy